Ways on How to Become a Software Tester

Ways on How to Become a Software Tester

Being a software tester is not an easy job. A software tester is a crucial role in any kind of business because that person is the reason why everything works smoothly. They have to go through every single test and make sure everything loads, works nicely and is not encountering any complications or issues. If your website is not loading slowly and works without bugs – that means that a software tester went through it and made sure of it.

In this article, we will focus on ways how to become a software tester. We will list some of them and explain them in detail.

Software tester
1. Technical knowledge

This one is more common sense but to work as a software tester, you need some technical knowledge. The more you know, the more marketable and desirable you will be. A good decision would be to learn some technical language. Your job as a software tester is to test everything and because of that, you need to learn and understand the languages you are testing out. The best way is to learn technical languages and in that way have concrete proof you know what you are talking about.

2. Undergraduate degree
If you have some knowledge or experience, some companies might consider hiring you but the first step could be getting an undergraduate degree. You can even get a degree in some relevant areas such as engineering, math, or computer science, and then go from there. Having a degree proves you are a good and relevant candidate for the job since you were studying for it for years. It might not be enough but it could definitely be a start.

3. Short courses
You can do almost everything online today and short courses about software testing are on the list as well. With them, you can gain knowledge and some experience and in that way actively work on becoming a software tester. Some platforms where you can do short courses and obtain knowledge are EDX, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning. All of them are available and easy to find on the Internet.

4. Certificate
It is not mandatory to get a certificate but it can help you and get you places. Seeing a certificate on your CV means that you were determined and had the will to become a software tester. It will seem more professional and stand out to employers. The most popular and common certificate for software testers out there is the International Software Testing Qualifications Board or, in other words, ISTQB. It can help you get the required skills and experience and make you more qualified for any position.

5. Internship

LearningThis one is a great way to become a software tester for multiple reasons. Well, first of all, you will gain relevant knowledge and experience. You might not get paid for your work but you will get paid for every tip and trick you will get out of there with. Not only is it amazing for knowledge and skill, but it is also great for interpersonal relationships. You will meet many people in the business and make friendships with them and in that way open many doors for yourself later on. You will become known in the industry.

To conclude:

To sum everything up, this article has been dedicated to ways how to become a software tester and we have laid out 5 of them. All of them can be very beneficial and helpful, you just need to choose which one seems like the best option for you. Give this article a read and decide for yourself which route you are taking to become a software tester.

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