Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed

Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed

Blogging is a fantastic line of work. It is interesting, creative, and lucrative. Through blogging, you get to share knowledge with your readers, create valuable connections, and earn money in the process. However, one of the biggest pain points of blogging is finding readers in the first place.

Do not get scared, but there are over 600 million blogs today, and they span across all the possible niches you can think of. With that in mind, what can you do to get your blog noticed? It seems like you are just a small fish swimming in a large ocean, struggling for survival. Well, let’s show you how you can grow from a small fish into a shark and eat your competition!

Define Your Niche and Stick to It

To become a successful blogger for your business, you need to define your area of expertise and stick to it. There are just too many competitors out there to try and compete with professionals outside of your niche.

Furthermore, you will not create valuable and quality content unless you are familiar with the subject. There are too many fake bloggers today, and you want to stay out of that category.

Build Your Reader Base First

Word audience

If you had to choose between creating a blog and looking for readers or having a customer base and introducing a new blog to them, which option would you like more? It is much easier to present something new to an already existing customer base than start fresh and look for readers.

For example, if you are running a successful eCommerce website, including a blog will be a piece of cake. We spoke with a couple of companies that provide digital marketing services. A good advice from marketing experts at digitaldot.us is that you should always think about the exposure first and only start a blog when you have someone who will read it.

The best way to create a customer base is to leverage social media. Start a profile, publish content, and grow your subscriber base. You can do this with a video blog on YouTube as well. The reason why this step goes before starting a blog is that it is easier.

Become a Guest Blogger

If you are starting your blog, find other blog owners and ask to create content for their blogs. Use your expertise and educate their reader base. As a reward, they will allow you to leave a backlink to your blog. This is a fantastic way to increase traffic for your blog.

Just have in mind that making it as a guest blogger takes time. Blog owners always want a writer with experience to create quality, non-promotional content.

How to Get Good at Blogging

Woman on desktop computer

Writing is not easy. It is a creative process that takes time. The more you do it, the better you become. However, to become a successful writer and make money from it, you also need to read a lot. Furthermore, you need to follow the form and structure of whatever you are writing.

Blog posts have a couple of rules you need to follow when creating content:

  • they must be informative and engaging
  • all articles must provide a solution for a problem the reader is facing
  • blog posts should not be walls of text; always use relatable images
  • be mindful of the word count; too long blogs will become boring
  • always create unique and original content, plagiarizing is strictly forbidden
  • make use of lists and formatting options like bold and italic
  • all posts should have both internal and external links so that you can link them to other content
  • the content you create for blogs must be optimized for SEO and contain keywords and important phrases
  • headlines must be inviting and exciting

These are just a couple of examples of what a blog post should have. The best way to learn about writing for a blog is to read other blogs.

Advertise Your Blog on Social Media

We already mentioned how blogging is lucrative. Many businesses turn to blogging to use it for advertising products and services. It also opens doors to affiliate marketing.

A fantastic way to get some exposure for your blog and start making money is to advertise it on social media. Social media platforms already have a massive base of users, and we are not talking only about your followers. For example, if you are running a B2B business, posting articles on LinkedIn will expose your business to the right people.

Furthermore, you can easily find not only customers but also business partners. The power of social media is to connect people, and that is just what your blog needs.


Search engine optimization is crucial for the success of your blog. We already mentioned that all articles need to be optimized with the right keywords. SEO is the most important factor that will affect your blog’s visibility.

This is challenging and time-consuming, so it is best to find a professional to optimize your blog. Another option is to use the right platform.

Start a Blog on WordPress

Man in WordPress shirt

Choosing the right platform for your blog is equally important as all other elements we mentioned. The reason why we suggest WordPress is because it is built for blogging.

Furthermore, it comes with full support for SEO optimization and an array of useful plugins and widgets for blogging. Setting up a website is done in just a few clicks, and you can use already built blog themes, so there is no coding required.

Get Your Blog Noticed With These Useful Strategies

There are many different ways to get your blog noticed. The strategies we suggested have the highest rate of success. However, that does not mean that there are no other ways to do it.

Our final advice is to use more approaches and combine them to get the best results. Best of luck in building a successful blogging career!

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