What Should I Learn To Make iOS App?

In today’s mobile-driven world, creating an iOS app has become an appealing endeavor for many aspiring developers and entrepreneurs. The Apple App Store offers a vast ecosystem for iOS app makers to showcase their creations to millions of users. However, embarking on the journey to become an iOS app maker or to create an iOS app can be both exciting and challenging. To help you get started on the right track, this article will guide you through the essential skills and knowledge areas you should learn to make a successful iOS app.

Understanding the Basics

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into iOS app development, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamental concepts and tools that are integral to the process.

1. Swift Programming Language

Swift is the primary programming language used for iOS app development. It’s known for its readability and performance. Learning Swift is the first step for any aspiring iOS app maker. Apple provides extensive resources, including the official Swift documentation and Swift Playgrounds, a beginner-friendly interactive learning environment.

2. Xcode IDE

Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE) for iOS app development. It includes a code editor, interface builder, debugging tools, and a simulator for testing your apps. Familiarize yourself with Xcode to start building and running iOS apps.

3. iOS App Architecture

Understanding the architecture of iOS apps is essential. Learn about the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and how it applies to iOS development. MVC separates your app’s data, user interface, and control logic, making it easier to manage and scale your projects.

User Interface Design

Creating an engaging and user-friendly interface is a critical aspect of iOS app development.

4. UI/UX Design Principles

Study user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design principles to create visually appealing and intuitive app layouts. Familiarize yourself with Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) to design interfaces that align with iOS design standards.

5. Interface Builder

Apple’s Interface Builder, part of Xcode, allows you to design your app’s user interface visually. Learn how to use Interface Builder to create views, design layouts, and connect interface elements to your code.

App Development

App Development

Now, let’s delve into the core development skills you need to create an iOS app.

6. App Lifecycle

Understand the iOS app lifecycle, including app states, transitions, and background processes. This knowledge is crucial for managing your app’s behavior and performance.

7. View Controllers

View controllers are at the heart of iOS app development. Learn how to create and manage view controllers to control different parts of your app’s interface. Explore navigation controllers, tab bar controllers, and more.

8. Data Storage

Learn about various data storage options, such as UserDefaults, Core Data, and working with files. Decide which method suits your app’s data management needs.

9. Networking and APIs

Master network requests and API integration to fetch and send data from/to remote servers. Familiarize yourself with libraries like URLSession for making network requests.

10. Testing and Debugging

Acquire debugging skills to identify and fix issues in your code. Learn to write unit tests and UI tests to ensure your app functions correctly.

Advanced Topics

Once you have a solid foundation in iOS app development, consider diving into more advanced topics.

11. Core Animation and Graphics

Explore Core Animation to create smooth animations and visually appealing transitions within your app. Learn about drawing and graphics using technologies like Core Graphics and Core Animation.

12. Advanced Topics in Swift

Delve deeper into Swift by studying advanced topics like asynchronous programming, memory management, and generics. These skills will help you write efficient and scalable code.

Deployment and Distribution

Lastly, understand how to deploy and distribute your iOS app.

13. App Submission

Learn the process of submitting your app to the Apple App Store, including creating app listings, setting pricing, and complying with App Store guidelines.

14. App Marketing

While not directly related to development, understanding app marketing strategies is crucial for promoting your iOS app effectively. Learn about app store optimization (ASO), social media marketing, and advertising campaigns.


In conclusion, becoming an iOS app maker or creating an iOS app involves a multifaceted learning journey. Starting with the basics of Swift, Xcode, and iOS app architecture, you’ll gradually progress to more advanced topics while honing your design and development skills. Remember that practice and hands-on experience are vital for mastering iOS app development. With dedication and continuous learning, you can embark on a successful career as an iOS app maker or bring your innovative ideas to life by creating impactful iOS apps.

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