Can I View Someone’s Instagram Story Without Them Knowing?

Can I View Someone’s Instagram Story Without Them Knowing?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over a billion monthly active users. Instagram Stories, a feature launched in 2016, allows users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. However, there may be times when you want to view someone’s Instagram Story without them knowing. In this article, we will explore whether it is possible to do so.

What is Instagram Stroy 

What is Instagram Stroy? 

Instagram Story is a feature of the social media platform Instagram that allows users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Launched in 2016, Instagram Stories have become a popular way for users to share more casual and spontaneous content with their followers. Users can add filters, stickers, text, and other interactive elements to their Stories to make them more engaging. Instagram Stories are displayed in a separate section at the top of the Instagram app and can be viewed by anyone who follows the user. Users can also see who has viewed their Stories, which creates a sense of immediacy and interactivity.

The Short Answer

The short answer is no. Instagram Stories are designed in a way that lets users know who has viewed their Stories. Whenever someone views your Story, their username appears on the viewer’s list. However, some workarounds can let you view someone’s Instagram Story without them knowing.

Third-Party Apps 

Several third-party apps claim to let you view Instagram Stories anonymously. However, most of these apps are either scams or are violating Instagram’s terms of service. Instagram has strict policies against the use of third-party apps that violate their terms of service, and users who use such apps risk having their accounts banned or restricted.

Instagram Privacy Settings 

One way to view someone’s Instagram Story without them knowing is to adjust your privacy settings. You can change your account settings to private, which means that only your followers can see your posts and Stories. This way, if you follow the person whose Story you want to view, you can view their Story without them knowing.

Another privacy setting that can help is turning off your activity status. By turning off your activity status, you prevent others from seeing when you were last active on Instagram. This way, the person whose Story you want to view will not know that you are currently on Instagram.

Use Airplane Mode 

Use Airplane Mode 

Another workaround that can let you view someone’s Instagram Story without them knowing is to use airplane mode. When you turn on airplane mode, your device will disconnect from the internet, which means that Instagram will not be able to send the notification that you viewed the person’s Story. Once you have viewed the Story, you can turn off airplane mode and exit the app.

However, there are some limitations to this method. For example, you will not be able to see any new Stories or posts until you turn off airplane mode and connect to the internet. Additionally, this method may not work if the person has enabled the “Only share with Close Friends” option, which restricts who can view their Stories.

Create a Fake Account 

Creating a fake Instagram account is another workaround that can let you view someone’s Instagram Story without them knowing. By creating a fake account, you can follow the person whose Story you want to view without them knowing that it’s you. However, this method can be time-consuming and may not be practical for everyone.

Risks of Using Workarounds 

It’s important to note that using workarounds to view someone’s Instagram Story without them knowing can be risky. Instagram has strict policies against the use of third-party apps and other workarounds that violate their terms of service. If Instagram detects that you are using these methods, your account may be banned or restricted. Additionally, creating a fake account can be considered impersonation, which is illegal in some countries.


In conclusion, it is not possible to view someone’s Instagram Story without them knowing. However, some workarounds can let you do so, such as adjusting your privacy settings, using airplane mode, or creating a fake account. These methods can be risky and may violate Instagram’s terms of service, so it’s important to use them with caution. Ultimately, it’s best to respect other people’s privacy and not try to view their Instagram Stories without their knowledge or consent.

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