Key Considerations When Choosing Your Web Hosting

Key Considerations When Choosing Your Web Hosting

Nowadays having a website for your business has become the norm. Everyone does it so you have to do it too. It can help your business grow and attract new clients since they can reach you through your website and learn something about you immediately. When you want to set up a website, you must decide who your web host will be. Deciding that is a big deal because your performance and security rely on it. In this article, I will help you and give you some key considerations when choosing your web hosting.


1. Server
One of the most important things is deciding your server type because making the right decision right off the bat is what is going to get you places. There are 4 different types of servers that you can choose from. There is Shared Hosting where multiple websites share the same webspace and bandwidth or if you want something more private, you can go for VPS aka Virtual Space Server. Managed Hosting solves all the technicalities for you and all you have to do is focus on your business. The last type is Cloud Hosting where your website will be hosted on remote servers if you decide to use it.

2. Uptime
If you want to attract more visitors and want your page to work wonders for your business, it must stay up. That’s why you have to check the uptime of your website. Uptime shows you how much time your website stays “up” over a given amount of time. It is important that it stays up and running for long because if it doesn’t it can result in you losing visitors and therefore having less traffic on your website. You should look for your website’s uptime to be as close to 100% as possible.

3. Load time
Similarly to having your website up and running most of the time, it is also quite important to check how much time it takes for your website to load. It is important to try to make it load less because long loading time can make your visitors irritated and that can result in less traffic and fewer visits. If your load time is not bothersome and your website loads fairly quickly, your visitors will not have a reason to lose interest.

4. Security
Security is always one of the most important things for any website. It is important to keep your information and your visitors’ information safe and sound. Not making sure your website is secure can result in many different complications that can get you and your visitors in trouble and therefore result in less traffic and trust between you and your clients. The easiest way to secure your website is through HTTPS. It is used for secure communication on the Internet and if your website has it, it will be visible as soon as someone opens your website and they will know they are in safe hands. The other way is through SSL, you can decide to buy the certificate for it but most web hosting providers will settle that certificate for free so you don’t have to worry about it much.

To conclude:

man on laptop

In this article, we have talked about the key considerations when choosing your web hosting. We have mentioned 4 of those considerations and those were: server, uptime, load time, and security. These are just some considerations that would be helpful when choosing your web hosting but there are many more out there. Start with these and build your way up to choose the right web host for your website and your business.

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